The DoD Energy and Environment Innovation Symposium brings together researchers, technology developers, defense end-users, and regulatory communities to showcase cutting edge environmental and energy technologies and ideas.
This event is hosted by the environmental research and energy innovation programs under the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy Resilience & Optimization (DASD ER&O). The Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) fund research and demonstration projects, harnessing the latest science and technology to improve DoD’s environmental performance, reduce costs, and enhance and sustain mission capabilities. The Operational Energy Capability Improvement Fund (OECIF) and Operational Energy Prototyping Fund (OEPF) programs develop and prototype technologies that provide tactical overmatch for our warfighters and allies.
To learn more about these programs, visit:
- SERDP and ESTCP: https://www.serdp-estcp.org/
- OECIF and OEPF: https://www.oeinnovation.org/
Testimonials from Past Attendees
The Symposium offers networking opportunities with over 1,000 attendees from the federal government, Services, academia, and private industry to advance research and cutting-edge technologies that enhance DoD capabilities and mission effectiveness. Testimonials from past attendees about the value of the Symposium are included below.
“I thought the conference was phenomenal for being able to network with other scientists and practitioners in the field. A lot of us are working somewhat in isolation with our individual teams, labs, or universities. Having the opportunity to be able to interact with people that are addressing all sorts of challenges throughout DoD and the U.S. was helpful both in being able to think about how it impacts our own research, but also in framing what we're doing in this larger picture.”
“I've had some really challenging discussions with folks that I want to go back now to policy I'm developing or helping to develop, or projects that I have on my plate, and think, how might I take that lesson learned? Because they're from people who are outside of my subject matter expertise, and it’s something that I wouldn't have considered otherwise without meeting those folks.”
“I've been to conferences where you might stand by a poster, and nobody really comes by. I had a handful of folks stop by, and I had two posters. In fact, just the way that people have been able to find me throughout the symposium speaks to how well it's been put on. You have upwards of 1,000 people here, yet I've been able to make those connections on a one-to-one level many times throughout the symposium.”
Symposium Details
Dates and Location
December 3-6, 2024
Washington, DC
Code of Conduct
Washington Hilton
1919 Connecticut Ave., NW,
Washington, DC, 20009